Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hi my name is Sean Vallant and I am a music major at Saint Michaels college. I think that one of the best things about my life is seeing how all my experiences change who I am as a person. I have been taking Joss's Ghanain Drum class and it has been so fascinating learning about the music of Ghana and has inspired me to learn as much as I can about the music in Ghana. It has given me a perspective that has changed who I am and who I will become. I think that being surrounded by the music in the Ghanian cultural will give me so many thoughts and memories that I can use on my life long journey of perciving sound. On this trip, I am hoping to learn new rhythms that I can think about all the time and that will inspire me to create my own music with. I think this trip will change my perpective on the world and what life is all about. I can't wait!

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